In the vibrant city of Lowell, Massachusetts, Peo Nathan, a humble yet brilliant chemical engineer, began an unlikely transition. The University of Massachusetts, Lowell graduate found his chemical expertise led him to an unexpected destiny — the realm of information technology. Yet, reflecting upon his journey brings a long-considered conclusion: it was survival that nudged him in this direction.

In the early ’90s, the declining interest from defense industry players in the advanced composites Nathan specialized in left him directionless. His unique methods, once in demand, slowly receded into the backdrop. With the support of his mentors, professors Dr. Thomas Vasilos and Dr. Dominick Sama, the determined Nathan turned to his next challenge of replacing freon with perfluorocarbons. This seemed like a promising opportunity, given the global concern over freon’s impact on the ozone layer.

However, the job wasn’t what Nathan expected. Burned and disillusioned, he decided to give software a try. As he delved into the IT industry, opportunities grew. He quickly progressed from working for several renowned companies to becoming an independent IT consultant, developing groundbreaking database designs along the way.

This brings us to his current endeavor — Computer Vault, a cybersecurity and virtualization software company inspired by his early exposure to the world of cyber secure systems at @stake.

Nathan explains that ComputerVault uniquely bridges the gap between performance, cost, and cybersecurity. “Our security platform significantly reduces malware infections, ransomware, and phishing attacks,” he shares. Their virtual applications offer extraordinary performance and rapid response times, on par or even better than conventional PCs and laptops.

Offering businesses a unique position in terms of security, ComputerVault presents an enticing solution for complex IT ecosystems. “Cybersecurity starts with the user,” Nathan shares. Focusing on virtual desktops as primary computing devices, ComputerVault provides a method to tackle user-originated cyber threats effectively. The economical pricing, compared to public cloud-based services, coupled with robust security features, becomes its winning edge over other industry giants such as VMware, Citrix, and Nutanix.

As Nathan’s venture addresses current security issues, he is keen to discuss emerging technological tendencies. “AI is prevalent in all areas and will continue to expand its reach,” Nathan states.

In his vision, his in-house AI controls the remote ComputerVault clusters, directed by the operations staff. He sees the potential terror of AI’s unpredictable evolution as solid ground for the greater purpose — pushing humanity towards better solutions. Ultimately, Nathan says, “AI does what we program it to do. It’s up to us to direct it towards serving our collective best interests.”

At the end of the day, Nathan’s journey from chemical engineering to IT illustrates the complex weave of our world. His path may have begun in materials and molecules, but it was the unseen threat of cyber attacks that called him to this essential frontier. His unique perspective, forged from diverse experiences, powers his drive to make ComputerVault a valuable player in the cybersecurity field. As they confront the cyber challenges of today and beyond, the industry might have more surprise elements coming up from unanticipated directions.