In the quest to protect our digital privacy, we’ve gathered insights from a Principal Attorney on how to keep a vigilant eye on app permissions. Alongside expert advice, we also present additional strategies to enhance your data security. From the fundamental practice of regularly revising permissions to the implementation of a zero-trust network access, discover a spectrum of methods to safeguard your personal information.

  • Regularly Revise App Permissions
  • Implement Immutable Security Perimeter
  • Disable Unnecessary Data Collection
  • Schedule Permission Review Appointments
  • Utilize Centralized Device Management
  • Apply Role-Based Access Control
  • Establish Application Whitelisting
  • Deploy Continuous Configuration Tools
  • Enforce Zero-Trust Network Access

Regularly Revise App Permissions

A practical lesson for me is in the process of continuously revising and adapting permissions for my device apps, as I try to safeguard myself from a data-extraction threat. For example, regarding the iPhone, by going to Settings, then Privacy & Security, one can access and adjust app permissions.

I take a lot of care in managing issues like location services, camera access, as well as personal data usage for each app. It all comes down to a compromise between what the application can do and my privacy. Some of the applications need specific permissions to function better, but I make sure that, as much as possible, I limit their access only to what is absolutely important.

By conducting regular checks, I make sure that the configuration is aligned with my contemporary privacy preferences and ways of using different apps. Regarding the granting of permissions that apps use, I believe less is more.

Lyle Solomon, Principal Attorney, Oak View Law Group

Implement Immutable Security Perimeter

Focus on the Immutable Security Perimeter method. In this concept, security controls such as app permissions are implemented into the very code and infrastructure, rather than reacting to threats as they arise. This ensures that security is not an additional step, but a part of the development and deployment pipeline. The continuous security validation tools perform a critical security task, continuously checking configurations and identifying vulnerabilities or deviations from security policies. This principle simplifies securing DevOps deployment, where both developers and operations teams work as a team while maintaining an appropriate level of security. Implementing an Immutable Security Perimeter enriches agility, as security no longer slows down iterative development processes but is an integral part of it.

Marty Aghajanyan, Founder & CEO, JBoard

Disable Unnecessary Data Collection

Some app permissions are required for the app to perform its task, but many of these permissions aren’t necessary, even if the app automatically selects them for you. The app will usually tell you which permissions it needs to function and which ones are not needed. So, if you’re concerned about privacy, consider turning off any unnecessary data-collection features.

Eric Novinson, Founder, This Is Accounting Automation

Schedule Permission Review Appointments

One unique practice I employ involves using a dedicated ‘permissions’ calendar on my smartphone. I schedule regular check-ins to review and adjust app permissions. By treating it like an appointment, I ensure it doesn’t slip my mind. During these sessions, I scrutinize each app’s permissions and revoke unnecessary access. This method keeps my devices lean and protects my data without relying solely on automated settings. It’s a simple yet effective way to maintain control over app permissions and bolster data privacy.

Mark Sheng, Project Engineer, DoDo Machine

Utilize Centralized Device Management

Centralized mobile device management platforms offer a streamlined approach for overseeing app permissions across many devices simultaneously. These systems allow administrators to set policies and manage settings remotely. By having a central hub, updates and changes can be pushed out to all devices in one action, ensuring consistency and reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Moreover, these platforms can generate reports and alerts to keep track of compliance. To maintain proper oversight of your mobile device permissions, start exploring various mobile device management solutions available on the market.

Apply Role-Based Access Control

Role-based access control systems are designed to assign permissions according to the specific role an individual fulfills within an organization. This process relies on a structured framework where each role has predefined access rights to certain applications and data. As personnel change positions or leave the organization, their access can be modified accordingly to reflect their new roles or to revoke their permissions entirely.

This method enhances security by limiting access to sensitive information based on necessity rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Consider how you can implement role-based access in your organization’s security strategy to better protect your data.

Establish Application Whitelisting

Application whitelisting protocols operate by enabling only pre-approved applications to run on a device or network, effectively preventing unauthorized applications from being installed or executed. By establishing a list of sanctioned apps, you not only fortify your device against malicious software but also gain better visibility into the software that’s being used in your environment.

Implementing whitelisting can simplify the complexity of monitoring countless applications by focusing only on the permitted ones. To increase your system’s security and reduce its vulnerability profile, initiate a policy of application whitelisting within your organization.

Deploy Continuous Configuration Tools

Continuous configuration validation tools function as a constant oversight mechanism, ensuring devices remain in compliance with the established security policies and configurations. These tools can quickly detect deviations or unauthorized changes in app permissions, allowing for immediate remediation.

They serve to maintain the integrity of your devices’ security posture over time by staying vigilant against would-be exploits or human errors. Look into deploying continuous configuration validation tools to enhance your security measures and keep your devices compliant at all times.

Enforce Zero-Trust Network Access

Adopting zero-trust network access policies means you don’t rely on the premise that users within your network are automatically trustworthy. Instead, every attempt to access resources is authenticated and authorized, regardless of where the access request comes from. This strict policy ensures that app permissions are constantly verified, minimizing the chance of insider threats and credentials misuse.

Zero-trust models also often involve regular monitoring to verify that the permissions in use are appropriate. Seek out zero-trust network access solutions to increase your systems’ defenses against unauthorized access.