Rokid has announced the launch of its AR Lite glasses on Kickstarter at a huge discount from its original price, which is poised to shake up the augmented reality (AR) market. While the official price is set at $749, early backers can secure the Rokid AR Lite for just $499, enjoying a discount of up to 30%.

This aggressive pricing strategy highlights Rokid’s commitment to making advanced AR technology accessible to a broader audience. Rokid AR Lite combines the state-of-the-art features of the Rokid Max 2 glasses and the Rokid Station 2 host unit, providing a premium spatial computing experience at a fraction of the cost of its peers.

By offering significant early bird discounts, Rokid aims to attract a wide range of consumers, from tech enthusiasts to everyday users, thereby expanding the reach and adoption of AR technology.

Rokid AR Lite is designed to enhance both entertainment and productivity, making it a versatile tool for various scenarios. Its lightweight Rokid Max 2 glasses, weighing only 75g, ensure comfort for extended wear while delivering vivid and crisp visuals with a 50-degree field of view (FOV), 1080p-1200p resolution, and up to 600 nits brightness.

In addition, Rokid AR Lite offers a range of features that make it perfect for entertainment purposes. Its Multi-App Mode allows users to run multiple applications simultaneously on floating screens, enabling them to watch YouTube videos, browse Instagram, and work on documents all at once. The Giant-Screen Mode can expand a single app up to 300 inches, providing a cinema-like experience that is fully adjustable for size and distance.

Additionally, the device supports high frame rates of 120Hz or 90Hz when connected to the Rokid Station 2, ensuring smooth and fluid visuals for fast-paced games and action-packed movies. The exceptional battery life, with a 5000mAh capacity and support for 18w charging while in use, ensures uninterrupted usage for extended entertainment sessions.

By integrating these advanced features and offering them at an accessible price point, Rokid has ambitions to make spatial computing a part of everyday life for a broader audience. For more information and to take advantage of the special early bird pricing, visit the Rokid AR Lite Kickstarter campaign here.